Waves at Tenia island


Tenia, New Caledonia, South Pacific 20/2-27/2-2014


After a great week at Tiam Bouene island, at the New Caledonian northwest coast, we continue our trip further south to explore new islands and areas in southwest... :)

As we have heard that this place should be a great spot for both surf waves and kitesurfing, Tenia island becomes our new home.

Tent, tarp and hammock get their places and shortly thereafter our new camp is organized.

The peaceful evening atmosphere provides a promising impression for our upcoming time in this new area.

Tenia island is located close to the New Caledonia Barrier Reef and the sound from the massive waves breaking on to the coral reef, keeps us company all night long.

Actually, it is the waves that is the main reason why we decided to visit this particular place...

Shortly after sunrise we are already out at sea to get a closer look at the waves.

It is both an impressive and beautiful sight when the waves hit the reef. But will we find any good surf waves?

A surfkayak among waves certainly looks exciting! Though, I start to wonder if I will succeed to take any surf pics before the seasickness is getting even worse..?!

As much as I love the sea and to spend time among waves, it also seems like the seasickness likes to keep me company...

... however, as I have spent plenty time living on a sailing boat, my seasickness has become an every day habit during long periods out at sea. I know that this awful feeling will pass, depending on the length of the trip it might take hours, days or even weeks, but for sure it will pass...! ;)

So what about the surfing then? Where is the kayak and Christian??

Puhh!! There he is, in the next wave. Wow, it looks so incredibly fun!! :)

The waves are not only a pretty sight from above surface. The impressive scenario continues even underwater.

Is it possible to get any surf images even from bellow?

The best way to get rid of seasickness is to get in the water... Splash, and I´m feeling OK again!! :)

The GoPro is handy in these situations. With lots of turbulens in the water I would not like to bring the camera with bigger domeport close to waves and rocks.

Let us try to get some uw-surf pics! Will I manage to get close enough to this speedy yellow surf kayak?

Upsss!!! Yepp, there he is...!!

Each wave offers a fascinating sight and it almost feels like being just beneath a huge group of fast moving big puffy clouds with some few clearings... .... ....

..... ;) .....

It is 27°C in the water and my underwater time feels very comfortable. It is only when I finally look like a shrunk raisin and feel like a frozen ice cube, I start to realize that I have spent time enough in the surf.

Back in the boat and hungry... time to head back to our camp for a simple but oh so tasty lunch...


With increasing wind during afternoons we gladly can spend more kitesurfing days in the lagoon as well... :)

Days filled with water and wind is a great combination for a good night sleep!!

Who knows what the next day has to offer..?

Soon on the blog:

Calmer waters and more underwater images in the next blog post. Pics from the east coast coming soon...

..... :) .....

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