Medes Islands - Mallorca


Palma, Mallorca, Spain 25/7-2013


North of Barcelona, close to the border between Spain and France, there is a small archipelago called Medes Islands. Medes is made up of seven islets and a small number of reefs, and offers a great enviroment for both sea birds as well as marine life.

Since 1983 it is totally forbidden to fish around the islands. Even diving is regulated and controlled. No anchoring is allowed in the area, instead there are numerous morings, which are free to use during daylight hours.

When we have got the diving permission and our boat is registered for diving purposes in the area, we finally can start our diving around the islands.

Medes is well known for its many underwater caves...

 ”The Dolphin Cave” is probably one of the more popular caves in the area. Here, there are many different tunnels to discover...

Thanks to the strict protective laws, there are plenty fish of all sizes...

Though, during our stay in Medas the visibility starts to get even worse, and we decide to contiune our trip towards our next diving destination.

From the mainland of Spain, we start our 2-days sailing trip southwest, towards Mallorca.

It does not take many hours before we see something swimming at the surface. Shark!! Yes, it truly is a shark slowly swimming towards our boat... But, as so often, also this shark is of the shy kind and disappears quickly in the deep water...

Weatherwise we have everything between very little wind and no wind at all... Maybe not the best conditions for a sailor, though this is perfect conditions when you are aiming for finding pelagic life...

Early next morning we see something moving just beneath surface... But what is it? A huge sunfish?? No, it is not a sunfish, it is Mobula rays, the same kind as we were filming in Italian waters a month ago.

Wow, I just need to get into the water now!!!

With free diving gear and cameras close by, it does not take long before I enter the 27°C water...

This time, I do not need to search for the rays, instead it is them curiosily coming towards me. It is a group of about 10 animals, which all are slowly coming closer and closer...

Those Mobula rays are a bit bigger then the ones we met off the Italian coast. And this time they seem to be even more curious and start to circulate around both me and the boat.

There is some kind of ”love in the air” - feeling around as especially two of the rays start to behave quite intimate to each other...

The film camera is recording while this ray couple really is dancing just in front of the dome port... Moments like this is pure happiness for an underwater photographer!

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Pelagic Encounters in the Mediterranean

 Estartit, Spain 19/7-2013


While travelling from one dive destination to another, we are spending plenty of time out at sea where our aim also is to find pelagic life.

In good weather conditions, pelagic waters truly is my favourite place to be. With no land in sight, we are surrounded by the never ending horizon and beneath us, there is many kilometers of deep clear water.

Such a lovely feeling to freely swim in this blue pelagic surrounding. Who knows, maybe there is something exiting watching us from below... ;)

How much life we see while being out at sea depends a lot. But as we plan our sailing routes also according to the depth curves, we increase our chances to find what we want.

Dolphins love to spend some time playing in the speed of the our boat and this energic company is always a very happy sight for all of us. As much energy the dolphins seems to have, as much energy they gives to the entire crew in the boat.

We have also got much bigger encounters during our last weeks out at sea... Fin whales!!!

With a length of up to 25 meters or sometimes even a bit more, the fiin whales are the next biggest animal in the world, only the blue whale can get bigger. The fin whale is a baleen whale and feed on zoo-plancton, crill and small fishes.

Our new big friend is getting even closer and it does not take long before it is side by side with our boat.

Time to get the camera underwater!! The whale seems to be relaxed in our company and makes just some few movements at the surface. Though, a single small movement from this huge animal is enough for a free diver not being able to catch up.

Is this whale going to be cooperative enough to get it on film even beneath surface?

Through the infinite blue water, I suddenly see something unbelievable huge coming towards me...

Wow, truly it is the fin whale!! Happily enough, it seems like the fin whale was a bit too curious not to give me at least some attention...

Last time I met a fin whale underwater was in the Azores eight years ago, and I now feel like being in the heaven of happiness. Time and state really stands still when I am eye to eye together with this amazing creature.

During our last sailing from France to Spain, we saw not less then 15 fin whales in one afternoon/evening!

Some of the whales seemed to be on travelling foot, while others were coming closer to us and the boat...

Such a beautiful scenery to spend the last daylight minutes together with one of the more curious fin whales. A more beautiful evening is hard to imagine! :)

Port-Cros National Park


Port-Cros, France 10/7-2013

N 43°00.868´

East of Toulon in France there is a small island called Port-Cros. This green island became National Parc already in 1963. With other words, this area has now been protected for 50 years.

On dry land the island gives a bit of ”jungle-feeling” with its wild and green surrounding.

But how does it look like beneath surface? We have heard many good words about this place, though the best thing is to experience it yourself and to see it with your own eyes... :)

In the water we soon realise that this is a place were we want to spend more time...

Not only beautiful sea-fans and anemones are welcoming us at the depth, there are also lots of fish around. Small fishes as well as big ones.

It is really not often that we see so much and big fish at one place... 50 years of protection gives result!

We are very happy after such great dives and giving stay in the waters of France. Now, it is getting time for us to head towards the coast of Spain. Let see what we will find there!

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